Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

So Ashley over at Ramirez Family blog has this thing she calls Thankful Thursdays.  I am all about giving thanks (not just on the holiday) but every single day of my life.  Because I know that without my Jesus, I would have nothing.  I know that every good and perfect gift comes from my Father above and I know that the people (family, friends, acquaintances) in my life have blessed me beyond belief.

So I just think this is such a great idea that I am going to 'borrow' it from Ashley and start my own Thankful Thursdays.  Now I know you might think this is getting a little ridiculous since I am already incorporating Music Mondays and Seriously Saturdays.  You might be wondering "Is this chick gonna make every single day of the week a theme related post?"  Well, I can't make you any promises...I do love me a good theme.  Maybe I will start Terrible Tuesdays, Wacky Wednesdays and Friday Funnies?  So what if I do?  :)

Anyway, it doesn't matter...the fact is, I think it's good to have a direction or 'open ended' question to get conversations and thoughts flowing.  So here it is, my first Thankful Thursday.  And what am I going to reflect upon that I am thankful for in my very first Thursday post?

The two things (people) I am most thankful for:  Mr. Fix It and my mini-me...otherwise as known as my fiance and daughter.  These two people make me want to be a better person.  They make me want to love as deeply as possible and stand up for truth and justice.  They make me want to give more than I get.  They make me laugh (and sometimes cry)...but they make me 'feel' my emotions.  They remind me how good my God is and they reflect His presence in my life.  But most importantly, they love me unconditionally...and I am so thankful for that.

So what about all you lovely we head into Thanksgiving season, what are you thankful for?


Kim said...

You have such a beautiful family! I like this series. Sometimes with the stress of everything going on, it's too easy to forget what we have going for us. This morning, I am thankful for my patient fiance and my job, which I actually love despite my complaining.

Mariposa said...

How sweet! I love your themed blog posts, even if it was everyday of the week! =)
I am thankful for life and my family and friends. Sometimes we get so involved in the every days of life and we forget what's truly important to us. I am so thankful for everything God provides for me and just being alive and in good health. My favorite saying is: Write your sorrows in the sand and your blessings in stone!

Mrs T said...

What a cute family the three of you make - great photo!

Gracie said...

That is such a great idea. I know I should be more thankful everyday! You have a beautiful family and I'm so glad that God has placed them in your lives.

I'm thankful for many family, my fiance, my friends, being able to eat and have a place to live. Many things I know I am thankful for.

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