I'm seriously losing it. Two days ago (Monday) I walked into my office at 8 am after having spent the weekend cleaning and painting and moving and packing and unpacking furniture. I have been getting minimal hours of sleep each night because I am either up late working on the house or because I am tossing and turning going over to-do lists in my mind.
Well, as I walked into my office Monday morning, my boss had covered my desk with stacks of paperwork and assignments. He walked in right behind me (very unusual as half the time he is not even in the office during the day while I am). And he asked me how my weekend was. I replied "Exhausting." To which he indicated that I need to take it easy with the wedding planning to which I replied "I can't even think about dealing with wedding planning...this move and house renovations are killing me and there is too much going on personally with my family related issues as well." He said "It can't be that bad." To which I looked at him with tears rolling down my face and said "I'm just trying to hang on each day and make sure nothing slips through the cracks."
Well, yesterday, something slipped through the cracks. I deposited a rent check from one of our tenants that had been post dated for March 10th. I had completely forgotten that he had asked me not to deposit it until March 10th and the stupid bank took it a few days early without noticing the date on it. The tenant e-mailed me pretty upset saying his payroll had bounced because he hadn't transferred funds not knowing the rent check had cleared a few days early. UGH
I felt horrible. I e-mailed back a stupid apology telling him about how I had inadvertently made the mistake and would give him a credit since I slipped up asking him to please forgive me.
But seriously, I don't know how I am going to get through these next 38 days. There is still plenty to do with the house being my number one focus right now. Mr Fix It said he knows I am going to be totally stressed and a physical mess leading up to the wedding but I put my foot down and told him yesterday morning that whatever is not done by March 31st will just have to wait until after we get back from our honeymoon on May 1st. Because I am not going to spend the last two weeks leading up to our wedding stressing out and putting my body through the physical exhaustion and torment I have been dealing with these past few weeks. Not gonna happen!
We'll see how that goes...I am just praying Mr Fix It stays motivated and is able to keep moving full speed on the renovations that he has been doing in the house. We are so close now. All that is left is the following:
* Install new toilet, shower doors and fixtures in master bathroom
* Pick out and purchase new granite countertop and sinks for master bathroom
* Clean entire house and windows and have carpets cleaned (Having services do this next week)
* Install new carpet in the living room, hall and master bedroom
* Purchase and install new sink in kitchen
* Have Mr Fix It go through the rest of his crap in the house and get it all thrown out, given to charity or reorganized so there's room for me and Little Miss to move in the last weekend this month.
For now, we are on a roll...but I hope we can keep it up. Mr Fix It leaves for 4 days on his bachelor weekend to Las Vegas a week from tomorrow...we'll see how much we can get finished before then. (sigh)
2 years ago
I think giving yourself an "end date" so-to-speak of March 31 is a very smart idea. Keep working hard and stay focused...everything will get done :)
Oh dear you've got a lot going on. But keep your chin up! Just try to remember just how amazing things will be in the end.
Great idea by setting a deadline, I think that just might save your sanity!
So sorry, Stacey! Just keep hanging on and taking it one day at a time. I know you’ll make it through and that in a couple months, you’ll be happily married and moved.
oh my gosh. you'll totally make it - you rock, remember?? :)
Good luck, hon. These last few weeks are killing me; I think the end-date for house stuff is not only a really good idea, but a really necessary one.
Sounds like putting your foot down is the only solution, stick to your guns my friend!
you can make it through!! it is so close :)
..and don't forget to breathe! if you find yourself turing with to do lists in the night - get up, write them down and try to get them out of your head so you can get that much needed rest. you'll be through it and on to the fun stuff before you know it, hang in!
I think that having an end date like that is exactly what you need to do. All this stuff will still be there. Your wedding on the other hand won't. Do what you can and then just stop and enjoy your last 2 weeks as a single lady! hang in there and make sure you book a spa day during those 2 weeks!
You're on the right track Stacey. One things at a time and yes, don't kill yourself with the house stuff!
Big hugs!
Sorry things are so stressful! It will all be done soon. Give yourself those two weeks to relax and enjoy.
I'm so sorry things are so stressful! I have a strange feeling I'm going to be in the same position leading up to the wedding with graduating, moving, and getting our house fixed up. Hope you're still able to enjoy the next 38 days!!
You poor thing. I remember all too well that overwhelming feeling. I think having a cut off date is a fantastic idea.
Also if I could have a do over I'd make the last two days before the wedding RELAXING days. Get a massage, paint your nails, go for a walk, veg on the couch. Delegate someone else to get any last minute things done - or just let it go. No one will notice small things except the two of you.
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